Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Employee Rights Blog - About This Site!

This site is about Employee Rights. Yes, employees do have rights contrary to what it may seem like at your workplace.

This website will discuss issues like wage and hour disputes, wrongful termination and wrongful discharge, employment discrimination, unlawful use of credit reports in hiring, firing, and promotion situations. We will also discuss employee privacy, sexual harassment, workplace injuries such as workers compensation, slip and fall and premises liability and more.

Please note that this website provides only general legal information. We also do not promote, endorse, or necessarily agree with any of the opinions, videos, pictures, captions and other items placed on this website. Nor do we guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site. If you have any specific questions, please contact an attorney to discuss your case. A great place to find a good attorney is ContingencyCase.com where web visitors can explore their legal options.

We hope you enjoy this website. If you have any comments, questions, or suggesstions please contact us info@contingencycase.com .

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